Ativan, also known as Lorazepam, is a drug used to treat seizures, insomnia, and anxiety as a chemical calming agent. Ativan is classified as a benzodiazepine, a category of drug that depresses the central nervous system without significantly affecting the user’s circulation and breathing. Even though it can be effective when used as prescribed, some people will misuse it sometimes to experience a calming and sedative effect.

This medication is usually habit-forming, and people who use it can become tolerant to the effects with time. They will need higher doses to experience the same feelings when this happens. Recovery from addiction or abuse can be challenging because of the need to avoid uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

Ativan can also cause physical dependence in users even when taken as recommended. In such cases, the person’s brain becomes so accustomed to having the drug for proper functioning. Benzodiazepine medications like Ativan are typically prescribed to correct an imbalance that generates certain mental disorder symptoms. However, the aspect of physical dependence alone should not be an issue because users typically taper down their doses under medical supervision during Ativan rehab.

The main problem is when the user cannot get themselves to stop using the drug, which can happen when physiological and physical dependence is coupled. The patient will need a more intensive Ativan detox and rehab treatment plan in such circumstances. This will help to address the physical and psychological dependence on the medication to avoid relapse.

Ativan rehab usually starts with an orientation of the treatment facility and is followed by a complete assessment by medical professionals. This allows the team to develop a comprehensive treatment plan customized to the individual’s specific needs. After this, the person will start the detoxification process to cleanse Ativan from their system under medical supervision and care to ensure they’re as safe and comfortable as possible.

After detox, the patient will start therapy, focusing mainly on behavioral changes. This includes changing negative thought processes and learning to use social support to develop new habits to help drive the individual away from addiction and into a new and healthier lifestyle. The support provided in Ativan rehab also continues after discharge to help the individual reinforce the skills and habits learned to prevent relapse.

The four essential components of Ativan rehab treatment include:

  1. Ativan RehabAssessment: This phase of treatment involves developing a customized treatment plan for the person depending on the severity, duration, and type of addiction and other related challenges, such as domestic abuse or co-occurring mental disorders.
  2. Detox: This stage aims to get rid of the body’s dependence on the drug while managing the withdrawal symptoms experienced.
  3. Therapy: This third phase of treatment is about uncovering and treating the hidden causes of the person’s substance use disorder and giving them the tools to overcome the addiction.
  4. Aftercare: The last stage of Ativan rehab is to ease the recovering user’s transition into programs that will help them keep on with the continuous recovery journey. These programs allow individuals to build on their rehab treatment to prevent relapse.


Ativan RehabAs a benzodiazepine drug, Ativan usually causes dependence and tolerance in users, making it difficult to stop taking it abruptly. Instead, the patient will be advised to go through a slow and measured taper to avoid any powerful side effects. This involves lowering their dosage gradually so the body can have time to get used to normal functioning without it. Sometimes doctors recommend substituting the drug with another benzodiazepine before tapering it down, which is another safe option.

However, detox during rehab can be difficult without medical supervision and support. Medical detox provides patients with around-the-clock medical supervision and support. With this option, a qualified team can handle any medical complications that could arise during withdrawal and administer medication as needed. They also keep patients from falling back into drug use by monitoring them 24/7.

Pain management is one of the advantages of medically-supervised detox. Detoxing from this benzo will trigger withdrawal symptoms, especially if the person has already become dependent on the drug. Withdrawal usually includes psychological and physical effects experienced by the patient. There are two stages of Ativan withdrawal: Acute and prolonged withdrawal. The first stage can last about 3-4 days, while the second phase may take around 10-14 days.

Treatment after detox

Detox gives individuals the physical and mental energy to go through the therapy stage of Ativan rehab. At this stage, the patient learns about the modifications they will need to make to help them establish a sober life in recovery. This is why addiction treatment after detox usually focuses on managing one’s anxiety symptoms, which may feel more troublesome at this stage. This is why relapse prevention involving healthier coping mechanisms and lifestyle changes is essential.

Most treatment plans in rehab will include conventional therapy in group and individual settings and 12-step meetings. All these approaches are crucial elements of relapse prevention and Ativan addiction treatment. Holistic and alternative treatment options can also be included in your treatment in Ativan rehab to make it more intensive. These interventions can help you find experiential and creative ways to overcome past trauma by dealing with its mental and emotional aspects. Alternative therapies used in rehab include:

  • Ativan RehabAcupuncture, yoga, and tai chi
  • Mindfulness-centered therapies
  • Skills training
  • Sports or dance therapy and other movement-based therapies
  • Expressive therapy, such as art therapy or music therapy
  • Culture-specific therapies

The individual can choose the options that will positively impact every area of their lives that can make recovery challenging. These therapies are usually optional but have proven to boost one’s emotional state and overall well-being.

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