Gabapentin addiction may not be common, but it is still possible. The person can become dependent on the drug when they use it outside the recommended prescription or method. Dependence can also happen if the user takes the drug to alleviate withdrawal from other addictive substances without professional medical supervision. Gabapentin rehab for addiction treatment usually involves medically-assisted detox and different types of psychotherapy combined with other beneficial approaches.

Gabapentin addiction treatment requires expert monitoring and a careful approach because of the nature of the drug’s mechanisms. If you don’t get the proper care, there can be complications when you decide to quit this medication or hastily reduce your dosage after extended use. There is also a high chance of relapse if you don’t get the necessary psychological treatment to help you manage not having the drug.

Once you’re addicted to gabapentin, quitting the drug will trigger multiple debilitating withdrawal symptoms. This is why you need to go through rehab treatment so medical professionals can monitor and manage these symptoms and make them more bearable before you can proceed to a full recovery.

Treating gabapentin addiction involves a holistic process with different stages designed to help individuals with drug dependence eliminate it from the body and cope without it. Drug addiction is a mental disease that must be handled both psychologically and physically, hence why gabapentin rehab involves counseling and medication therapies. There is no specific standard treatment designed to treat gabapentin addiction, but some evidence-based methodologies have been proven successful.

The first step of treating a gabapentin use disorder is through a detox program where the body gets rid of the drug. This allows the individual to be free from the drug’s influence on the brain. Afterward, the patient will go through gabapentin rehab to address their psychological issues and learn coping strategies to help them live a sober lifestyle in recovery. The individual’s physician will carefully develop a treatment plan to address the addiction specifically.

Specialized Treatment Options and Therapy in Gabapentin Rehab

The primary aim of treatment is to make sure the patient can cope and live their life without using the medication. Each patient’s situation is unique and, thus, will require a personalized treatment plan. In some circumstances, the person may have a complex and intrinsic health condition requiring a customized treatment option. Some of these problems include:

  • Gabapentin RehabLegal or financial issues
  • Damaged family and interpersonal relationships
  • Employment and educational ramifications
  • Physical and mental health conditions

Customized treatment programs ensure you take the proper steps to deal with all the underlying issues aside from your substance abuse problem. This prevents these issues from causing the person to go back to their gabapentin addiction. In cases of dual diagnosis, an addiction and healthcare specialist will conduct a proper assessment and carry out effective treatment methods.


When you reduce or quit gabapentin intake, your body initiates the detoxification process, getting rid of the drug so it can restore its balance and get used to functioning without it. Detox has several withdrawal symptoms that can discourage you from completing the treatment.

The withdrawal symptoms can also result in complications that can be fatal. This is why it is crucial to undergo medically-assisted detox, where the situation can be monitored and managed by addiction specialists and medical professionals.

Outpatient and inpatient gabapentin rehab

Gabapentin RehabAddiction treatment programs can be conducted in an outpatient or inpatient setting. You can decide based on your overall state of health, the extent of your addiction, and your living arrangement.

Inpatient gabapentin rehab involves the patient receiving treatment while staying in a rehab center. It includes drug checks, individual and group therapy sessions, and other healthy activities to promote sobriety from gabapentin. It is deemed the ideal method for achieving recovery since the person stays in a drug-free environment without relapse triggers.

On the other hand, outpatient rehab is another option for people with mild substance abuse disorders and time-limiting obligations that may prevent them from going through inpatient treatment. If you participate in outpatient care, you will get treatment as a visiting patient through individual and group therapy. An outpatient rehab program will be recommended if you have abused gabapentin for a shorter duration and your physician deems you free from any possible withdrawal complications.

However, clinicians typically recommend inpatient rehab because it allows the patient to focus on recovery while speeding up the process. Dedicating each day of your rehab program to counseling and therapy will enhance your likelihood of a successful and hasty recovery. Inpatient rehab programs are ideal for individuals who have become chronically dependent on gabapentin. People in this category require close observation even after detox, which is why doctors recommend this program after an assessment.

What to expect from gabapentin rehab treatment

Gabapentin RehabGabapentin rehab will involve a personalized treatment based on the individual’s addiction experience and personal situation. During intake, the doctors conduct an assessment process where they ask the individual personal questions and run tests. Afterward, they will develop a treatment plan based on the nature of your addiction.

You will engage in daily therapeutic activities during the program to emulate a sober lifestyle. During outpatient and inpatient programs, the patient goes through different therapies, including psychological therapy, individual counseling, behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and group therapy. Rehabilitation usually lasts 30-90 days, depending on the person involved. The 90-day treatment is considered ideal because it will best equip you for recovery and life in the outside world.

After completing gabapentin rehab, addiction treatment does not end when you leave the facility. Aftercare programs like 12-step support groups and sober-living houses can help you eventually adjust to life without the drug when you go back to life in the outside world faced by triggers. Post-rehab care gives you the care and support to help you readjust in society as a sober individual.

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